When It Comes to Marketing Content - A Lot of Personality Goes A Long Way
At a local content marketing conference I attended last year there were some great presentations and lots of insights. And I'd like to...

Storytelling Insights for Marketers, Inspired by Pixar's Story Artists
When it comes to storytelling – they really don't get much better than Pixar. The story artists of the studio have mastered this ancient...

The Framework for a Great Presentation – It’s Elementary!
Last week I had the good fortune to be invited to a session at my daughter’s elementary school, along with the other parents, to learn...

When It Comes to Marketing Content - A Lot of Personality Goes A Long Way
At a local content marketing conference I attended once there were some great presentations and lots of insights. The one insight I want...

Taking Your Marketing Message from Blah Blah to Bling Bling
We've heard the stats many times before about the impact our marketing content has on the buyer's journey. Some say that 57% of the...

How to Craft Marketing Content that Brings Meaning and Engagement
What's your pillar of meaning? According to Emily Esfahani Smith Dameron, author of The Power of Meaning: Crafting a Life That Matters,...

All Hands On Deck - The Power of a Killer Presentation
I’m always delighted to see a client’s eyes widen with joy when they see a visually impactful presentation that tells their story in a...

3 Great Ted Talks That Inspire Great Marketing Storytelling
Indeed, storytelling is not just about campfires, myths, and legends. Storytelling is the key to being memorable – and memorability is...

Why Start with Why? The Thing to Do Is to Start with the Who
Ok, not that Who. Sorry, Roger Daltrey. Nevertheless, a' who' no less impactful, influential, and rock-n-roll for any successful...

What’s Your Vote? Delightful or Fear-Based Headlines?
Every once in a while – content comes along in such a serendipitous way; it makes you wonder. Is this a sign? At the very least, it makes...