What’s the Best Call-to-Action for Your Killer Marketing Asset?
We put so much effort into that killer marketing asset. We profile our personas and research what they need to hear/read/see to move down...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Marketing Content Strategy
Thinking about the role of an effective marketing message in the last US elections – without getting political, I got to thinking about...

Taking Your Content Creation Plan to the Max with Just One Killer Asset
Whenever we go deep into planning mode about our forthcoming marketing content – the question of how to optimize limited resources for...

A Convincing Argument for Convincing Content
Especially, but not exclusively with marketing content – we often find ourselves seeking out the secret sauce for changing someone's mind...

Don’t Miss! How to Win with Loss Aversion in Your Next Marketing Campaign
This isn’t the first time we visit ‘Loss Aversion’ in our blog. Last month we talked about how leveraging behavioral economics can be...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Marketing Content Strategy
Thinking about the role of an effective marketing message in the most recent US elections – without getting political, I got to thinking...

Make Them Feel Special, And They Will Engage
It isn’t often that we get an email from a company that inspires a response of: “Really? You picked me? That’s awesome!” But every once...

Want to Know What's the Best Word Count for Your Marketing Content? (well, we've got just th
Whether setting up a new nurture campaign, writing a new blog post, or putting together a new website, these questions always come up:...

Why Start with Why? The Thing to Do Is to Start with the Who
Ok, not that Who. Sorry, Roger Daltrey. Nevertheless, a' who' no less impactful, influential, and rock-n-roll for any successful...

Playing Those Mind Games: Leveraging Behavioral Economics for Better Converting Content
We all know that there’s no magic wand nor secret spell that we can conjure up to lure readers to our content. It’s all about two key...