The Framework for a Great Presentation – It’s Elementary!
Last week I had the good fortune to be invited to a session at my daughter’s elementary school, along with the other parents, to learn...
All Hands On Deck - The Power of a Killer Presentation
I’m always delighted to see a client’s eyes widen with joy when they see a visually impactful presentation that tells their story in a...
3 Great Ted Talks That Inspire Great Marketing Storytelling
Indeed, storytelling is not just about campfires, myths, and legends. Storytelling is the key to being memorable – and memorability is...
Attention Marketers: A Virtual Reality Paintbrush, Augmented Reality Presentations, and Connected Ta
Remember when you first saw Minority Report? Remember what you thought when you saw Tom Cruise walking through the mall with 3D,...
3 Hot & Easy Presentation Tools to Increase Engagement
Just came across these three very promising tools. I know I can’t wait to start using them! 1. ZOHO, go to the site >> Zoho lets you...