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Attention Marketers: A Virtual Reality Paintbrush, Augmented Reality Presentations, and Connected Ta

Remember when you first saw Minority Report? Remember what you thought when you saw Tom Cruise walking through the mall with 3D, personalized, slick and techy advertising? It all seemed so far-fetched.

As modern marketers today we’re always on the look-out for the latest and greatest. And while the most effective content distribution tool really is great – and a new analytics dashboards does actually float our boat – we ain’t seen nothing like this!

What’s Your Design Team Doing These Days?

If you haven’t already – you MUST check out Google’s Virtual Reality Tilt Brush. According to Google it’s: "Painting in 3D space with virtual reality." It comes bundled with the headset, and is the first truly amazing art app for virtual reality.

Check out the movie on their landing page – very exciting stuff. What’s your design team been up to lately?

I invite you to read more about first-hand experience with the Tilt Brush from a uniquely creative and progressive agency, Raleigh-based Centerline Digital. Check out this blog post.

A New Kind of Wearable – a Tattoo!

Another very cool and futuristic technology that’s being developed is a connected, communicating tattoo! Namely, a new MIT Media Lab product called DuoSkin, which was created in partnership with Microsoft Research, turns temporary tattoos into connected devices. They can act as input for smartphones or computers, transmit and display output based on changes in body temperature, for example, and transmit data to other devices via NFC.

Check out the video here.

Imagine the kind of interactivity and customer intimacy you can have with your next app, or at your next user conference or trade show. We can only just begin to imagine the possibilities.

Product Presentations, Minority Report Style

We’ve heard of Microsoft’s HoloLens – but only now have I (at least) seen it in action (virtually, no pun intended). In this video clip we see an architect use the Microsoft HoloLens to design buildings, and present his designs.

Think of what your next product demo could look like (literally) if your prospects were watching it in 3D via VR?

These really are exciting times.

Want to explore new and exciting ways to drive your message, story, product, and company? Get in touch and let’s do great marketing together >>

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