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What Would You Ask The Guy Who’s Seen Over 80K Landing Pages?

In this Ask Me Anything (AMA) on the ever insightful, Unbounce’s founder, Oli Gardner – who’s seen “more landing pages than anyone in the world” weighs in do’s, don’ts, best practices, and some not so great practices.

Make sure not to miss his

5 fundamental elements that every landing page should have:

“1. Your unique campaign proposition - which explains in a succinct manner what the purpose of the page is about and why you should care. This is your headline and often a subhead to add clarity.

2. A hero shot which is the primary image or video that shows (ideally) the context within which your produce or service is used (show don't tell).

3. A series of benefit statements (bullet points or short paragraphs) that discuss how it will help a prospect be more successful.

4. Some form of social proof to add some evidence and trust to the page - ideally in a format or from a person/company that is in alignment with the visitor's tribe.

5. Your call to action. This would be a form and button for a lead gen page or just a button for an click through page (say for ecommerce). Tip: The button copy should complete the sentence "I want to _______".”

To read the full AMA (it’s long, take a deep breath), click here >>

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