New Forrester Report Brings to Light the Importance of Being ‘Mobile-First’

In its new report published last week, “2018 Mobile And New Technology Priorities For Marketers, Why Marketers Must Keep Fixing Their Mobile Basics,” Forrester shares some pretty interesting findings.
Mobile Is What Mobile Does
The research firm conducted an online, global mobile executive survey of 148 marketers and digital business executives who either own or have extensive involvement in their mobile strategy and services. Through this survey it found that 58% of marketers agree that their mobile services are nearly identical to their desktop services, resulting in a mobile customer experience – which is a “cumbersome scaled down version of a PC experience lacking context and frustrating consumers.”
Furthermore, the firm notes that marketers seem to be too focused on emerging technologies such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and IoT. On the face of it, it seems that moving full speed ahead towards innovative customer experiences, as powered by the latest and greatest engagement boosting technologies, is a great marketing idea.
However, Forrester has found that most marketers still do not approach the customer experience as a mobile-first initiative, leaving the rest of the fancy stuff standing on very shaky ground.
“Decision-makers should stop thinking of smartphones as just a device and more as the brain powering and orchestrating new experiences in an increasingly connected world. Mobile redefines your brand experience.” (Forrester)
It’s a Mobile, Mobile World
I must admit that the fact that nearly 60% of marketers don’t differentiate between the PC and mobile experience is quite astounding. There is so much data out there that tells us marketers that everything we do must be mobile first.
US consumers spend 5 hours daily on their mobile phones
Time spent in mobile apps is increasing 69% year-over-year
66% of emails are opened on mobile
Mobile advertising is set to drive 75% of all digital ad spend in 2018, representing a 20% annual growth and amounting to over $70 billion.
The Proof Is in the Pudding
The importance of being mobile-first was also observed recently in my own microcosm. Namely, a few months ago I had the privilege and pleasure to collaborate with a leading marketing agency in Seattle, on a data-fueled, content-driven lead gen campaign for a strategic client, based here in Israel.
The campaign included Facebook ads, content syndication with promoted content/assets on partner websites, and asset promotion via outbound to a database of pre-qualified B2B contacts, provided by one of the agency’s marketing campaign partners.
At its conclusion, we found that mobile ads outperformed desktop ads, driving the majority of click throughs. While we know that our world is mobile – one might think that professional content would mostly be consumed during work hours, which are generally spent in front of the PC vs. the mobile phone.
However, these results constituted a strong affirmation that ‘mobile first’ should be considered for campaign strategy, planning, timing, design, and content.
The Power of the App Experience
When it comes to design – according to Forrester, it’s not only important to design your all your online properties as mobile-first, but it is also recommend to make your mobile web more app-like. This is not surprising, in light of the stat provided above about time spent in apps.
About to work on a landing page for your next campaign? Want to refresh your website? I invite you to reach out and discuss how we can do great (mobile-first) marketing together: